
Focus, Grow, Mindset

3 Steps to Achieving Your Dreams – From Can’t to Done

 January 13, 2020

By  Do Learn Repeat

Ever feel like you can’t do something?

Some people combat that feeling by saying “everything is possible” or that “you can do anything you set your mind to.”

I’d like to see those people fly to the sun… under their own power… naked… and be home in time for dinner.

Probably not gonna happen. So there are some things you probably can’t do… but the question is how many of your “can’t”s are real?

Here’s a little exercise for you.

1) Write down your top 5 “can’t”s… things that you would like to do but can’t right now.

2) For each, ask yourself if you could do it for 10 million dollars. That is… maybe you feel like you can’t write a book because you don’t have time, but could you do it if you were guaranteed 10 million bucks upon completion?

For each one that you could do for 10 million bucks, it’s not really a can’t but a won’t.

That is, it doesn’t defy the laws of physics and you could achieve it with proper incentive.

The 10 million dollar question is an incredible tool that you should use often to test your “can’t”s.

So once you’ve changed some of your “can’t”s into “won’t”s, where should you go from here?

First, it’s important to realize that “won’t” isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean you’re lazy. Maybe you have other priorities or aren’t willing to pay the price to turn a won’t into reality right now.

But for those things you want bad enough but just haven’t found the time or energy, the next step is to turn those “won’t”s into “should”s.

Once you have a list of things you should do, you’re almost there!

The final piece of the puzzle is to turn your “should”s into “must”s. Something you should is likely to be put off indefinitely. But things that MUST get done tend to get done.

If you must eat, you eat. If you must pay your mortgage, you pay it (even if it’s late). If you must improve your relationship, it improves. If you must learn guitar, you learn it.

Prioritize your musts as if your life depends on it… because in many ways it does… at least the quality of it.

The other beauty of must is it makes things easy. I used to try not to eat too much fast food. It was torture… every time I passed by a fast food joint I would battle with myself about whether to go in or what to order.

But now that I’m 100% committed to not eating junk food… I don’t wrestle, I don’t struggle… I simply drive by or order the healthiest thing on the menu. I thought it would be a struggle, but it’s actually much easier now.

Let’s recap…

Can’t → Won’t

1) Write down your top 5 “can’t”s… things that you would like to do but can’t right now.

2) Use the 10 million dollar rule. For each, ask yourself if you could do it for 10 million dollars.

Won’t → Should

A won’t that you want bad enough and think will be good for you is a should. If you want it bad enough, you should do it.

Should → Must

The final piece of the puzzle is to turn your “should”s into “must”s. Something you should is likely to be put off indefinitely. But things that must get done tend to get done.

Just remember – “should” is incredibly hard and often gets put off… 99% committed is difficult. 100% committed is relatively easy. So commit yourself fully to a must or two. Decide and cut off all possibility of not doing it.

Give it a try, and don’t wait. Do it NOW.

Write down your “can’t”s, change them to “won’t”s and then “should”s. Finally, turn them into “must”s and make small, specific, measurable steps to get there.

Take that first step now, and I’ll see you at the top!


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Keep in mind that if you ever find yourself saying “I already know this”, instead ask “What can I learn from this?” and make sure you’re actually applying it in your daily life.

By adopting the right mindsets, you build the foundation for a better life.

Until next time… Do. Learn. Repeat.

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